ISC Men's Indoor Soccer League
ISC Men's League is Open to Adult Men and Youth Players 16U-19U (Note all 16U players must be sophomores.)What is the ISC Men’s Indoor Soccer League?
- The ISC Men’s Indoor Soccer league is a high level indoor league set up to provide a high level of competition for adult players and the ISC’s high school players in the ages from 16U-19U. In addition, the ISC welcomes any CRSA 16U-19U players that are sophomores and older to participate with the ISC players in our draft.
- Our league has a great history in Iowa City as we enter our 19th year running this league. Lots of great ISC players and terrific adult players have played in this league.
- Two sessions of indoor play are offered each Winter and all games will be played at the Hawkeye Tennis and Recreation Center (HTRC).
- HTRC Address – 2820 Prairie Meadow Drive, Iowa City, Iowa.
- Please download the ISC Men’s League Rules.
Why Sign up for the ISC Men’s Indoor League?
The ISC Men’s Open indoor league offers a very competitive league structure and all games are played on an indoor turf field (not on a gym floor). The league is professionally run and balances the needs of both the top 16U-19U elite club players and adult players in Iowa City. For over 19 years the league has maintained a great balance between high level youth players who fully understand that they are youth players privileged to play in a Men’s league and adult players who benefit from playing against young players reaching their prime.
- Session 1 runs from November 2024 through early January 2025.
- Session 2 will start mid January 2025 and end early March 2025.
- Includes 8-11 games and a league t-shirt/jersey. The number of games guaranteed varies from season to season.
- The fee for each session is listed under the “Date/Schedule/Cost” Link.
- If you sustain an injury that prevents you from finishing the season with your team, you may be eligilble for a partial refund. A partial refund will be considered if your injury occurs prior to the 4th weekend of league play. Please contact the League Director, David Martinez, with questions.
- 6v6 Indoor Soccer – (5v5 plus keepers).
- The field is 40 (w) x 55 (l) yards.
- No Walls, kick-ins for restarts.
- A maximum of 11 players per team.
- Games will be 45 minutes in duration (running clock, no half time).
- Players are NOT allowed to wear cleats on the HTRC Hawkeye surface where most games are played.
- There are some games that will be played on the Iowa Turf. When games are scheduled on the Iowa Turf, cleats are allowed.
- League Scoring is 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 for a loss.
- Championship games that end in a tie are decided by penalty kicks.
- Each adult player registers on their own. They must register online and pay the fee by using the “Adult Player” registration link.
- A team captain or coach must also register your team by contacting the league director and identifying which 11 registered players should be assigned to your team. To register your team, please submit your team roster via e-mail to
- Each team must have 11 players registered AND PAID in full by the registration deadline (no exceptions). Team registration is the responsibility of your team captain/coach.
- We do not allow teams to register more than 11 players, and players cannot share a roster spot.
- Note: If you are interested in joining the league, but do not have a full team, please contact the league director and we will attempt to match you with players in a similar situation. There are no guarantees, however, that we will have room for you in the league.
- Each player must register online and pay the fee by using the “High School Player’ registration link. All 16U players that are sophomores and all 17U-19U players, register as high school players.
- Players that receive financial assistance from the ISC are allowed to register under the “FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE” option and that fee is $40 per player per session.
- All high school registered players will be placed in a pool of players for the annual league draft. The league director and club director will select team captains, and those captains will then select the teams from the players registered at the annual draft. Captains are selected based on seniority in the club and commitment to the club.
- ISC POPPI players are allowed to enter the draft, but ISC POP players are NOT. All players who enter the draft must meet their practice requirements each week to be eligible to play in the league games on the weekend.
- Players must either be ISC high school players or CRSA high school players to enter the draft.
- High school players that are not affiliated with ISC or CRSA are not permitted to play in the ISC men’s league.
- ISC and CRSA players are only allowed to play with the ISC/CRSA teams in the ISC men’s league. ISC and CRSA players are only permitted to play on one team in the league.
- While each high school team has a team captain, players that are playing in the league through the draft will be coached by the ISC staff coaches for most games and follow our guidelines for the games.
- High school player registration and payment deadline for session 1 -Sunday, October 27, 2024, at midnight.
- Adult player registration and payment deadline for session 1-Thursday, October 31, 2024, at midnight.
- Schedules released for the first weekend of play: Thursday, October 31, 2024.
- All teams WILL have a game on Friday, November 1, 2024.
We only offer one method of payment. Each individual player must register online and pay their full fee with a credit card at the time of registration in order to be eligible to play for your team. This payment option is unique in that we actually try to make each person responsible for their own fees. We do it this way so that one person, for example a coach or team captain, is not burdened with having to pay the team entry fee for all players.
- Please contact the League Director, David Martinez, at
ISC Men’s Indoor League – Sponsor

Session 1 Team Assignments
Download the Men’s Open Session 1 Team Assignments at the links below:
Session 1 Date/Schedule/Cost
SESSION 1 Men’s League GAMES will mostly be played on Friday nights but there will be 1 Saturday night with games and 1 Sunday evening with games also.
There is only one Saturday that we will hold men’s league games for session 1. That date is Saturday, January 4, 2025. On January 4, games will be held from 8:20 PM to 11:35 PM. These games are the quarterfinals for session 1.
There is only one Sunday that we will hold men’s league games for session 1. That date is Sunday, January 5, 2025. The games on January 5, will be held from 6:40 PM-10 PM. These games are the semi-finals and finals for session 1.
Download the MEN’S League weekly Session 1 Schedules at the links below:
League Date #1-Friday, Nov. 1, 2024*
League Date #2-Friday, Nov. 8, 2024
League Date #3 -Friday, Nov. 15, 2024 **
League Date #4 -Friday, Nov. 22, 2024
League Date #5 -Friday, Dec. 6, 2024
League Date #6 -Friday, Dec. 13, 2024***
League Date #7-Friday, Dec. 20, 2024
League Date #8 -Friday, Jan. 3, 2025
League Date #9 -Saturday Jan. 4, 2025 -Quarter-Finals
League Date #10-Sunday, Jan. 5, 2025-Semis and Finals
* We will have games on both the Hawkeye Turf and the Iowa Turf on November 1, 2024.
**Only the adult teams will play on Friday, November 15, 2024 because the high school guys will be at a college showcase tournament.
***All ISC Men’s league games will be held on the Iowa Turf on December 13, 2024.
League Fee=$120 per player for 8 guaranteed games and a league jersey/shirt. The top eight teams will qualify for the quarter finals and will therefore play a 9th game with the opportunity to advance to the semi finals and finals.
For those players that receive financial assistance from the ISC for their monthly fees, the fee to register is $40 for session 1 of 2024.
Registration for Session 1 will close on Sunday, October 27, 2024 at midnight.
Session 1 League Standings
Download the Men’s Open Session 1 League Standings at the link below:
Men’s League Standings Session 1
If a team forfeits, the score will be recorded as a 0-8 Loss for the forfeiting team.
If both teams forfeit, both teams will earn 0 points for the game, but the game will be recorded as a 0-0 game. In addition, although the standings will show that both teams earned 0 points, the “history” feature of the sofware incorrectly shows that both teams earn 1 point. We will use the standings reporting for our official league records.
Session 2 Team Assignments
Download the Men’s Open Session 2 Team Assignments at the links below:
Men’s League High School Rosters-Updated on January 16, 2025
Men’s League Adult Rosters
Session 2 Dates/Schedules
SESSION 2 ISC MEN’S LEAGUE GAMES will mostly be played on Friday nights. During the final weekend of Session 2, which is March 7-9, games will be played on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night. Please note that there will also be 3 nights when the games will be played on the Iowa Turf in the HTRC. Those dates are listed below. On those three nights, players are allowed to wear cleats because the games are on the Iowa Turf. On all other nights, the games will be held on the Hawkeye Turf.
Download the Men’s League weekly Session 2 Schedules at the links below:
Weekend #1 -Friday, Jan. 17, 2025*
Weekend #2 -Friday, Jan. 24, 2025*
Weekend #3 -Friday, Jan. 31, 2025
Weekend #4 -Friday, Feb. 7, 2025
Weekend #5 – Friday, Feb. 14, 2025
Weekend #6 -Friday, Feb. 21, 2025*
Weekend #7 -Friday, Feb. 28, 2025
Weekend #8-Friday, March 7-9, 2025
* Indicates games will be held on the Iowa Turf. This means that players can wear cleats on these nights. Please note however, that on Friday, January 24, there are games on both the Hawkeye Turf and the Iowa Turf.
The quarterfinals will be played on Friday, March 7 and Saturday, March 8 2025.
The semi-finals will be played on Saturday, March 8, 2025.
The Finals will be played on Sunday, March 9, 2025.
League Cost: $120 Per player for 8 guaranteed games and a league jersey. The top eight teams will qualify for the quarter finals and will therefore play a 9th game with the opportunity to advance to the semi finals and finals.
For those players that receive financial assistance from the ISC for their monthly fees, the fee to register is $40 for session 2 of 2025.
Registration for Session 2 will close on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at midnight.
Session 2 League Standings
Download the Men’s League Session 2 Standings at the link below:
ISC Men’s League Standings Session 2
If a team forfeits, the score will be recorded as a 0-8 Loss for the forfeiting team.
If both teams forfeit, both teams will earn 0 points for the game, but the game will be recorded as a 0-0 game. In addition, although the standings will show that both teams earned 0 points, the “history” feature of the sofware incorrectly shows that both teams earn 1 point. We will use the standings reporting for our official league records.
Men's Indoor League Rules
Download the Men’s Open League Rules at the link below: